"Why does Russia not earn their full support? “Putin is not a communist.” “The Communist Party of Russian Fed. is homophobic.” “Christian nationalism is fascism.” The last one gets me the most. If that is true, Islamic nationalism has to be fascist too and that puts all Islamic Republics, from Pakistan to a future liberated Palestine, in the crosshairs of the Left."

Nailed it.

This quote by Dugin supports your article.

"Hitler’s racism, however, is only one form of racism — this type of

racism is the most obvious, straightforward, and biological, and therefore

the most repulsive. There are other forms of racism — cultural (asserting

that there are high and low cultures), civilisational (dividing people into

those civilised and those insufficiently civilised), technological (viewing

technological development as the main criterion for the value of a society),

social (stating, in the spirit of the Protestant doctrine of predestination, that

the rich are the best and the greatest as compared to the poor), economic (in

which all humanity is ranked according to the degree of material wellbeing),

and evolutionary (for which it is axiomatic that human society is the

result of biological development, in which the basic processes of the

evolution of species — survival of the fittest, natural selection, and so on —

continue today). European and American societies are fundamentally

afflicted with these types of racism, unable to eradicate them from itself

despite intensive efforts. Being fully aware of how revolting this

phenomenon is, people in the West tend to make racism a taboo. However,

all this turns into a witch hunt — new pariahs accused of ‘fascism’ are its

victims, often for no apparent reason."

- Fourth Political Theory

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Spot on. I disagree with your formulation about ‘modernism’ though. As some ‘bad western element’. Modernism is dead in the west. We killed it, fascism made us scared, made us think that modernism would bring out the ‘monster in us all’, when in reality it was just capitalism kicking its legs in death cramps, in fear of the fact that real modernity would lead to its end.

China has revived the true ideals behind modernity, modernity is a eternal a stage of development just as communism is, they need to coexist to keep on improving the lives of the ordinary people.

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“The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.” - Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 1852

Basically the western "left" in one sentence. It's all LARP of dead, non-threatening forms of "resistance" twisted into an effective force for snuffing out any real resistance or support for geopolitical allies.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

What Dr. Ali alludes to with his comment about "Anglo-Zionism" but ultimately fails to point out is that white Europeans are no longer in charge of the West.

Jews run our media, academia, politics, entertainment industry ect.

When Blinken meets up with Zelensky you're not watching "Western imperialists plotting against the East". You're watching two Jews meeting up to discuss how best to kill the goyim.

Dr. Ali is pondering why all of these "Western Liberals" seem to be so hypocritical Schizophrenic. Yet isn't the same true for (((Marx))) and (((Lenin))) and other Eastern-Communist ideologues?

These people spoke about a communist utopia which provided equality and wealth for all whilst genociding 100 million people in the 20th century mostly due to famine and abject poverty.

So it seems both the Western Neo-liberal/Neocon/Capitalist elites and the Eastern Communist elites are full of shit. So how can this be explained: Simply by pointing to the fact that all of these ideologies share the same origin: Talmudic Jew lies designed to subvert and subject the world under the guise of Tikkun Olam.

Rather than arguing about which bogus ideology is best and setting up false dialectics of "East vs West", why don't we actually look at (((who))) is behind all of this mess.

What makes Putin and in many respects Xi Jingping great is that they have discarded this ideological baggage in favour of doing what's best for their own people. And fighting actual existential (Jewish) threats to their people rather than getting bogged down in the ideological swamp.

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deletedNov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022
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